Not you think needs to change title / headline blog by posting title?
Title usually located in front of the blog posting title. As I always say, optimize it will affect the title of our blog are in the top rank search results. Nha if you use a trick to change your blog title with the posting title it will be even better for entry into the front ranks of search engines.

really ...!!

Back when I was not pake this trick, when I look in google with the keyword "How to Create Search Engine" then the result is a case of this:

But now when I apply this trick then the result becomes something like this:

well of course people would prefer to vote click on the image results as the second than the first picture, right? and the reply by an expert in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) said this will make our blog more Search Engine Friendly. OK for those who want to try it, please follow the steps below:
1. >Edit HTML">Go to "Layout ->> Edit HTML
2. Look for this code;

( letaknya dibagian atas)
3. Kalo sudah ketemu ganti dengan kode berikut ini :



Continue to save.

To the main page will remain titlenya blog title. but if km tried to open one of the later postinganmu title postingmu will be your blog title

Diposting oleh BoeDhY 31 Desember 2009 0 komentar

In this trick, this time we will try to discuss about "How Do Showing Status Offline / Online Yahoo Messenger". What function trus nih? Look, no such reply is such a marker would be able Blogmu visitors directly interact directly with you, nha a reply so visitors will be added Blogmu ma love you: p
Jump aja ok, this example would be like, if you are offline status of the picture will be like this:

continue if you online iconya it will change like this:

The way you make it very easy to live copy the following script trus you plug in the sidebar you've know how to partner, that long as kalo km installing "page element", Go to "Page Element" trus "Add a Gadget -> HTML / Javascript ".

<a href="ymsgr:sendIM?paijo"> <img src=";m=g&amp;t=2&amp;l=us"/>

Replace the red text (paijo) with your YM id.
note the number "2", can you replace it with another number and the results displayed image will vary.

Diposting oleh BoeDhY 1 komentar

As we already know, that is a top level domain name we can get for free. We can change our blog name from "" or "http" / / "(etc.) to" ". With we can control the DNS Records, A, MX, and CNAME records, so that domain is not merely a "URL Forwarding".
Here I will try to reveal about the way in the domain settings:

1. Managed DNS
This is usually used for a web and web hosting needs require to direct its Server Name to hosting it. For example to create a web in 000webhost, or it could be to use a wordpress blog hosting yg outside. This method is not suitable for blogger / blogspot is using the default host of bloggers / blogspot.
Setting up for this method is to fill in the "Name Server 1 and Name Server 2 with true-to name servers used by hosting. For example, for those who use the hosting of 000webhost for column" Name Server 1 "condition with" ns01.000webhost . com "and column" Name Server 2 "condition with" ". Then click the" Setup ". Done

2. Zone Records
Zone records suitable for users of blogger / blogspot. The following settings for the Zone way of Records

* In the "Host" fill in name-me-km domain name register, eg "" (do not forget to be given "www")

* For the option "TTL" let alone, do not need to dirubah2

* The option "Type" select the "CNAME"

* For the column "Value" fill ""
So would like to drawing below:

The next step is to change settings in blogger / blogspot do this:

Publishing"" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">* Login to blogger / blogspot then go to menu "Settings -> Publishing"

* Then select "Switch to: • Custom Domain

* After that click on "Already own a domain name? Switch to advanced settings"

* Then fill the name of your new domain name in the "Your Domain".
* Then click the "Save Settings"

Done. If successful (Settingnya is correct) then you are a new domain name will be active in time between several hours to 2 days. So wait patiently wrote. Blog you will still be accessible through the old domain.

3. URL Forwarding
URL forwarding can be used for anything aja, ato to the web blog. But the URL Forwarding is only incipient domain forwarding (which in to the old domain. So the old domain name will be 100% as before without any changes, we can only access the web / blog us by typing our new domain name in the browser. If you use the URL Forwarding is indexed on Google or other Search engines are still our old Domain.
URL Forwarding setting is very easy, we just fill in the data requested and tailored to the web / blog us, such as "Redirect to:, Page Title, URL Hiding, Meta Description and Meta Keywords". We no longer need to setting up the domain in the web / blog us again.
Note: This method is not recommended if you do not have to

So the conclusion is:

* If you use blogger service / blogspot then use "Zone Records"

* If the domain is used for web hosting or need reply to wordpress then use "Manage DNS"

* Do not use the "URL forwarding" if not forced. For example to multiply to blog from the not support custom domain.

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